Friday, December 14, 2007

So much knitting....So little time

I am new to this blogging business. I'm finding it a little difficult. A lot like my knitting so much to write and so little time. My knitting is getting out of control. I love to start a big complicated project to find that right near the end I get bored and start a little easy slipper or scarf. I have so many projects already started. I look at them all, sitting there, each in a separate bag and I feel overwhelmed. Maybe I need to prioritize and force myself to do them in order.

What do you do to keep things in contol? Do you finish every project? Do you only buy what you are ready to use? Are all creative people scattered or do the really good ones stay organized? I often wonder about these things.

My poor family. Well I must get back to sorting my knitting and deciding what to pack away in the big wooden hope chest my husband bought me in hopes that I would keep my knitting out of the dining room. Boy was he wrong. Well maybe it will come in handy to clean up for the Holidays.


Blogger omly said...

When I have a lot of WIPs I tend to do the small ones first just so they don't feel so overwhelming. Once you get the pile a little smaller you will feel better!

December 14, 2007 at 2:15 PM

Blogger Robbyn said...

When I've got a lot of things that have to get done (you know, as opposed to a bunch of stuff I was just curious about that can sit and wait), I establish a rotation. So much time on this, so much time for that and the one you love doesn't get worked on until the one you're not-so-fond-of gets its share of attention first.

It dos help get things done and you feel a little more in control because you know everything is coming along and getting some attention!


December 15, 2007 at 6:50 AM

Blogger Kathleen said...

I vote for all creative people are scattered! :) I tend to lose interest at the end of a large project (and sometimes in the middle :)) and pick up smaller things to do. I always have smaller things to do because they give me a sense of 'done' when there are too many undone things. Occasionally, I get in a finishing mood and will complete a few things and then I'm off to new things.

Oh, and buying only what I need when I need it? Um, well, I'm not so good at that!

Yep, scattered is good! :)

December 15, 2007 at 11:17 AM


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